
Welcome to my Many-Body Physics (phy 115) course web page!

The classical picture of our universe rests on the interplay between the microscopic world of simple Newtonian particles and the rich macroscopic world built out of them. What do microscopic balls and springs have to do with solid structure? How can we think of flowing fluids as a continuum of particles? What dynamical behaviors arise macroscopically from these microscopic models? And what do we do about the information that we cannot possibly track? What links uncertainty about the micro level to heat and entropy?

We will explore applications of these ideas to understanding sturdy versus brittle structures, stable and flowing systems, atmospheric dynamics, and even some aspects of climate change.

Professor Kagan’s Contact Information:
Prof. David Kagan
E-mail: dkagan@umassd.edu
Office: 203-D SENG
Hours: TBD

Recitation Information: Coming soon!